Archive for December 2011

Merry Christmas

God is indeed a visionaire. He saw the future of mankind when Adam & Eve sinned. He saw hardship, turmoil, pain, sickness, destruction and eternal doom. However this was not in his intention for us at all.
In order to change that negative future, He came up with a redemption plan to reconcile mankind back to Him so that we can live the kind of life He preordained for us. He sent is only begotten son to exemplify the ideal experience we all should have, died for our sins and reconcile us to God. Indeed, Christ came to change the future of mankind for the better.
As we celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ today, let us not forget to give thanks to God for sending His son so that we all can have a glorious and a splendid future.
Through Christ, we know that our future is secured. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL.

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The visionaire's journey of hope (2)

In a world filled with people of intelligence
In a world dominated by creatures of the first order
In a world where everyone is born to rule
I also press forward to take my rightful place
My mind is filled with hope
Yet my experiences are sometimes the opposite
Nevertheless, I refuse to let my hope be shattered
As I continuously cling to my maker to take me there

A little of doubt here, a little of fear there
None seem to derail me anymore
For I have a stronghold
That resist anything the attack my hope

Faithful is HE that has promised
What he has said he’ll do
My hope is in God
Who is always there with me to take me to my destination

Let not your hope be in man for man can fail you. Man in his natural self is always mindful of himself alone and won’t dear to help anyone. But there is a God that can always move men to work in your favor. Your future was designed by your maker and only Him can come through for you. He is the same now as then and he never changes. As long as your hope is in God, you don’t have to worry because He’s always working out something for you. You may not know how or when.  Just be hopeful and you will see the physical manifestation of His wondrous works.
The visionaire’s journey still continues…..

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The P(s) of a visionaire

Today, I shall be looking at the life of a man who was also a visionaire during his time. He was indeed a visionaire that saw, believed and worked towards his future. The name of the man is Joseph- the first prime minister of Egypt.
Joseph saw a vision of himself becoming a leader and all of his brothers were bowing to him.
With that, he had a foreknowledge of what he is to become. But, it took him thirteen years before that vision could manifest. During the thirteen years of waiting, he went through certain stages that qualified him for his preordained future. I call these stages the four Ps because they all start with letter P.
1.   Parent’s house:  He grew up in his parent’s house where he learnt honesty and transparency
2.   Potiphar’s house: he was here as a slave boy but rose to become the chief servant while he was still a slave. It was there that he learnt how to be an administrator.
3.   Prison: he proceeded to the prison where he learnt how to provide leadership for people and also perfected his gift of interpreting dreams.
4.   Palace: he ended up in the palace where his vision began to speak and his brethren indeed bowed to him.
You don’t have to repeat the story of Joseph in your own day but, you can apply the principles gotten from his story and apply them into your life. Joseph wasn’t transported into his future alone, he believed in it & was prepared for it. You also will do yourself a lot of good if you live in the present preparing for your future. Like joseph, your present experience may be unpleasant and discouraging. But, don’t give up! Lay hold on the vision, believe in it & in God that has given you a glimpse of your future and the strength to keep preparing will be generated inside you. Remember, your vision will stop manifesting the moment you stop believing and preparing. If Joseph could go through those awful experiences & still became the prime minister, how much more you? The same God that was with Joseph till the end still exists. Let not your life fall short of your future by not believing and preparing. The heart of a visionaire is inside you. So live your life as one!

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