Archive for 2012

Visionaire’s journey of faith

As I prepared to go out this morning
Flashes of uncertainty filled my mind
I looked through my window in a puzzled state
To see if uncertainty is really out there
But, all I saw was a bright & promising morning

As I walked through my door to the hallway
I wondered how my day will be
Looking into the eyes of the people I met
I was frightened & wondered if today will be good
Nothing could stabilize my disturbed mind
Except a phrase in the bible
“Those who put their trust in God will not be disappointed”

Indeed my faith in God’s word paid off
My day was indeed a good one
I was favored & helped on every side
When all hope seem to have gone
My faith in God made me strong
And everything worked in my favor today

Faithful is he that has promised. What has said, he will do. Develop a strong faith in God & never let the pressure of life weigh you down. Remember; life is filled with challenges, our plans and prediction may not always be accurate but, those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. 
The journey still continue.....


One of the things I enjoyed as a kid was watching cartoon & I’m sure this is on the favourite hobbies of little children.  Walt Disney produced an animation movie titled “The lion king”. I watched this movie over & over again until I couldn’t find the CD anymore. One of the songs I love the most was the song titled “hakuna matata”.  “Hakuna matata” is a word that stem out from a native language in South Africa which literally means “there's is no worries” and it is akin to the English phrase "Don't worry". As a kid, I only enjoyed the melody of the song but as advanced in age, I discovered that that phrase was actually passing a message across.
We live in a world that some people called ‘uncertain’ because they believe anything can just happen even in the mist of predictions. As a result of this, they’re filled with worry because they cannot tell what will happen the next minute. A lot of people long for a life filled with joy, splendor & riches but, they’re always afraid of stepping out because of the uncertain nature of the world. So their dreams & aspiration turn into a fairy tale.
On the other side, there are some people, who are courageous enough to take necessary steps to become what they’ve always wanted to become. But, they get to a crossroad & become worried. At such moments, some decide to stop or even go back & indirectly give up to become victims of the uncertain nature of the world. There’s another set of people that decide to release their faith for an exceptional life but also become worried of how it will happen in this uncertain world. They have forgotten that

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Posers don’t pass

Let’s take an actor as an example; most of the time, an actor usually has a different personality from the role he plays in a movie. It is possible to see an actor who in real life is a model portrays the image of a notorious gangster in a movie and vice versa. However, this philosophy in the movie world has been imported into other spheres of life. But this time around, it is known as posing. That is, pretending to be what you are not.
The truth is we are made differently from each other. If you try to compare an identical twin, you will find out that they have different personalities even though they have the same morphological features. I‘ve met people who are actually posers in the way they behave & the interesting thing is that some of them seem to be making it in life by behaving that way. They are even admired by people. But in the long run, they always have regrets & being neglected by the same people that were admiring them.
Here is my point, being what you are not doesn’t pay any good dividend. Although the present may look good & pleasing yet, the long term effect is a life of pain &

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Visionaire’s journey of options

As I journey through life, I was faced with different options & here is my account;

I faced the option of dropping what I truly believe
& pick up what looks like the good life
Where everything looks rosy at first
But the end is filled with painful regrets

I faced option of leaving my true friends
To hook up with visionless people
Who will be there for me at first
But will eventually corrupt my vision

I faced the option of stop reading God’s word
To start watching porns & reading destructive write-ups
Which will look pleasing to me at first
But will eventually destroy the potency of my mind

I faced the option of leaving the narrow & right path
And switch to the broad way where most people are
Which is short, acceptable & enjoyable to the flesh
But the end of it all is perdition

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 My intention is to bring this company to a level where our children will be proud of what we do”. I adjusted my glasses as I continue to address the board of Directors. “Not only should we think of the success of this company, we need to also focus on the legacy we are leaving behind for those coming after us. They must be able to see the excellence with which we are running his company so that they can desire to take this company to a greater height. After all, true success is seen when our legacy is kept alive by our successor. So join me as we refuel our passion for preserving the future of this company. Let us raise our children properly &  show them that it pays to walk in the footsteps of their father. Moreover, theirs is the future”. As I rounded up my speech, everybody stood up to clap. I took my seat & I blinked my eyes. I suddenly discovered that I was on my bed & it was 5am in the morning. It was a dream.
There comes a time when our heart begins to get attracted to a particular thing & It will look as if our potentials fit in to that thing. As we ponder on it & imagine the beauty that thing, it get into our subconscious and we begin to see a glimpse of it in our dream,
However, dreams will remain dormant without work. My charge for you is that you work towards the actualization of your dreams. Exert yourself & go all the way to transform your dreams into reality. A lot of people keep dreaming &

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On a quest for a better future

A lot of people long for a life where everything looks good. As a result of this, they strive daily to do their best so that they can have the kind of life that they want. Some people even bend their necks to yoke & take risks all because of a better future.
The question is; why are we on this quest? Why do we work daily & take risks because of a better future? The reason is not far fetch. There is this story of a man- Robert Kiyosaki who came from a poor background & went to his friend’s dad to teach him & his friend how to make money. He wanted a better future because he saw the possibility & he went on that quest as a teenager. He eventually became one of the successful real estate businessmen in the United States. Like this man, some people have won in their own quest while some are still on it but some have failed on the quest. 
The reason why we are all on the quest for a better future is that something in us tells us that there is a possibility of becoming all that we want to become in life. The process may be difficult, the road may be rough but there is a possibility. This informs our decision as we set out in life to become successful. President Obama saw the possibility of becoming the first African-American U.S president; he went on that quest & he won. Ben Carson saw the possibility of becoming a doctor & an influencer to his generation; he went on that quest & he won. Apostle Fred Price saw the divine choice on his life & the possibility of being a renowned preacher of the gospel, he went on that quest & he is still winning. However Adolf Hitler saw the possibility of becoming the unconquerable, he went on that bad quest & he lost.
My fellow visionaire, what kind of quest are you on? Is it to become successful farmer, teacher, businessman, preacher, doctor or is it to become a successful hacker, fraudster, swindler, etc? Whatever the quest you are on now will determine the future you are aiming for yourself. Choose to go on the right quest & let your potentials be channel in that direction & you will surely have a good

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An illustration of the Visionaire's journey

You want to travel from your house to another town for the first time in your car. The first thing to ask yourself is if you know the way to that town. If you don’t, then you look for a map or go with someone that has gone to that town before. Another thing you must consider is the present state of the car. If for example, the car is not in a good condition, there is a very high tendency that you get stranded on the journey if the car should break down.
The illustration above is symbolic & I want to explain one by one
1. The town you are traveling to for the first time explains the destination/future you are heading to which you have never been before. You arrive in your future once & that is it.
2.   Since you don’t know the road to the town, you use your map or go with someone that has been to that town before. It is always preferable you go with someone that knows the way because you can still miss your way on the map. The presence of that person makes your journey faster & you can easily avoid wrong route. This explains the fact that you need to allow God to go with you on your journey. He knows the future because he made the future. So he knows the way more than anyone else. If you truly want to become all that you need to be, then you need God to go with you & show you the way.
3.      The condition of the car you want to travel in explains the condition of your heart & your physical body. Your heart consists of your will, your thought & your emotion. The condition of your heart determines what you will become because it is out of your heart that issues of your life come from.  If you have a cleansed, good & strong heart, you can be sure that you will get to your future safely. Having this kind of heart require that you have a living relationship with God through his son Jesus after which

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Can life ever be fair to everyone?

I remembered when I needed to obtain the statement of result from my formal school. As usual, I wrote a letter of request to the appropriate authority only to get to the Exams & Records Office to hear that I cannot have all the results I requested for because; some of my results are yet to be approved by the university senate. All I could get was my pre-med result after spending about five years in the university. This means I will have to start from the beginning in the new university I’m applying into. This is one of the many experiences I’ve had in life. I know that you also must have had some unfair experiences as well.
So many times we have had to face situations that tend to slow us down or even try to prevent us from achieving our dreams. Not only do we feel bad about them, we also hate them. Many times the people we love don’t love us back while it is those that we never taught of that eventually care for us. Of all the things I have learnt about life, I am yet to fathom why life is not always fair to us all. I guess that’s just the way life is.

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In a future not far from now

In a future not far from now
Lies the treasures preordained for me
Although the number of days are much
Yet I know that my future is not far anymore

2011 was once a year I longed to see
But it’s now a year I have experienced
And of course many things were in the year for me
All thanks to God that made the year a memorable one

A new year is here
A year full of bountiful things I haven’t seen
The next few minutes may be a future I haven’t seen
But I know that the future is not far anyone

The next twelve months is part of my future
It may look longer than I thought
But, I do know that the last day of the year is not far
And I press on into this New Year to receive my own thing from the lord

Of a truth, 2011 is gone forever and what we are left with are the memories of the year. 2012 is here and it indeed a year with new things springing forth. The next 365days of this year may look as if it’s long but, they aren’t. The daily load of benefits for each day is of different measures. Do not think of this year as if it is long. 2011 was once like that but now it’s gone.
So press on into this New Year with a great expectation. It won’t be long before you discover that 2012 is about to end. Life your life in 2012 & be fulfilled in this New Year.

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