As I prepared to go out this morning
Flashes of uncertainty filled my mind
I looked through my window in a puzzled state
To see if uncertainty is really out there
But, all I saw was a bright & promising morning
As I walked through my door to the hallway
I wondered how my day will be
Looking into the eyes of the people I met
I was frightened & wondered if today will be good
Nothing could stabilize my disturbed mind
Except a phrase in the bible
“Those who put their trust in God will not be
Indeed my faith in God’s word paid off
My day was indeed a good one
I was favored & helped on every side
When all hope seem to have gone
My faith in God made me strong
And everything worked in my favor today
Faithful is he that has promised. What has said, he
will do. Develop a strong faith in God & never let the pressure of life
weigh you down. Remember; life is filled with challenges, our plans and
prediction may not always be accurate but, those who know their God will be
strong and do exploits.
The journey still continue.....