My pastor once said that “your career is not your destiny; your career is your platform to fulfill your destiny”. The word “destiny” talk about a person’s preordained future. Another word that looks similar “destiny” is “destination” which refers to the predetermined end of a trip. I believe these four words -destiny, destination, career and platform- needs to be notably understood by every visionaire.
Your career refers to your job which you were mostly trained for before you were offered. So, you actually learnt some things before you were offered that job and your job should now be seen as a platform not as your destiny (future). Your platform takes you to your destination which is the future you want to live in.
For you (as a visionaire) to be all you are meant to be in your future, you need a platform to stand on. It is on your platform that your impact is truly felt by people and you are discovered on your platform. Your vision for your future should not be based on what you are presently learning alone. Rather, it should also be based on your capability--what you know you can do or become. What you are learning in life is what will only give you the platform you need in your preordained future. The future will never offer you any platform to express yourself. It is what you do now in the present that gives you your platform in the future. The extent of your learning and training determine the strength of your platform and the kind of audience you will gather to listen to you. There is nothing like “the future will take care of itself”. As much as this statement is to prevent you from worrying about the future, it doesn’t mean you should fold your hands and not do anything in the direction of your future. Remember; failure to work towards your future is failure to stand on your platform to fulfill your destiny.
For martin Luther king Jr, his platform was public speaking on which he advocated against racism. For Thomas Edison, his platform was invention on which he had over a thousand patents in his name. For Joseph in the bible, it was the office of a prime minister on which he preserved the lineage of the messiah from extinction when there was famine. For Esther in the bible, her platform was being the queen of the most powerful nation (Babylon) on which she saved the Jews from extinction. For me, the first step on my platform is this blog, on which I am inspiring all larger audience to believe, see, work towards and live in their future. For you, it is …… on which you are ………
Start doing the required things that will give you your platform for your future. Submit yourself for training and learn as much as you can. Your platform depends on you. You need a platform if you truly want to be fully maximized and live in your future. Don’t fight for another person’s platform; work for your own and go about it honorably. Remember; your future is in your hands, do with it what you like and only you will bear the consequences of what you do with your future.