To every race, there is a starting point and to every breakthrough in life there is a turning point. The essence of our being on the earth becomes clear when we reach the point at which we begin to see our existence for what it really is. At that point, there is a turnaround into a breakthrough living and that marks the starting point of a life journey whose destination is fulfillment. The peculiarity of that journey is that, it is a journey into the future. Every step we take forward is a step into the future which means we are in our future already but, there is still an unseen part of the future that no one except God has seen. For this reason, we keep journeying earnestly with hope to see the unseen part of our future as it unfolds.
Although there is an existence of the future yet, a lot of people are not living in it because they are not taking any step towards their future. Could it be that they don’t believe or cannot see the beauty of their future? May be they have the desire to live in their future but are being tied down by or with something. It is possible for a full-grown person to be working hard but there is no significant advancement in his life. The people that are behind him have caught up with him and are now living him behind. The future he hopes for doesn’t seem to smile at him anymore. The fulfillment of life he desire is no longer there. All hope seems to be gone and he is now left alone in his predicament. The usual thing that happens next it that, questions begin to arise with no answers following them.
(I want to write those questions in a personalized form so as to typify the present state of some people. some of the questions were part of my experience while some were heard from people’s experience).
“What could have made my journey to be stagnated? What could be hindering me from pressing forward into greater things of my destiny? Was it my fault to have been born at all? What could it be that I am done with my assignment on the earth? Could it be the problem of location? Could I maybe try to relocate to another place in search for green pasture? Oh, someone please help me. My head is full of questions that I don’t have answers for. My head is too small to contain all these questions. Maybe drinking will wipe off those questions or better still suicide will be a better option. Is there anyone at all to hear my cry? My soul is heavy and I am dying. This burden is too much for me to bear. I know I have a future but I cannot see myself living in it. Where do I turn to? Where do I start from? Everywhere is dark and I cannot see the right path to take.”
Is this your present situation or do you know someone that is in this state presently? Here is the remedy…..
Watch out for the next post!!!