I am a vessel that is loaded with a lot of potentials that are seeking and yearning for a release. It wasn't a mistake that I was created and sent into this world because, I am contained with something that mankind need. I have a foresight of where I'm heading in life and I intend to get there. My Foresight is one Intend to accomplish, one I don't want to neglect and one I fervently work towards. I may not have all the details at my finger tips but, I strongly believe in the possibility of living a life that is characterized by substantial and outstanding successes. All I need to do is to believe in myself and trust to God to guide me. The world want await my manifestation and I will not disappoint my generation. No matter how bad my past must have been, I do not allow it to distort my view about the future. I still remember the Asian proverb that says "the journey of a thousand mile starts with the first step". I have taken the first step already and I am constantly and meticulously taking more steps towards the future. That is my dream, that is my vision and that makes me a visionaire.
I am on the right hand and I am pressing forward to become all I am meant to become. Life becomes pleasant when we grasp the essence of our being on the earth. I desire a pleasant life that is full of victories. I am not ignorance of different kinds of problems that are embedded inside nature. I am aware of the fact that life can be frustrating at times. I know that there is a possibility of having a pleasant life but it may not come easily. But in the mist of all this, I have already a conqueror's mindset because I am more than a conqueror. So, I can dare to have the kind of life I desire and it is in the difficulties that life presents that our victories actually emerge from. When trouble rose against me and all hope seem to be gone and no one seem to care anymore, I simply smile and fall on my face before God and ask for the rare kind of wisdom and strength to overcome. Then, I get back on my feet to resist the raging tempest knowing quite well that I have got stronger weapons in my arsenal. I always emerge the victor at the end. Hence, having a pleasant life that is incorporated with victories is a possibility for me. That is my dream, that is my vision and that is what makes me a visionaire.
My message to you: The truth is everybody is a visionaire. I just gave an account of what I believe the future holds for me. So do everyone have something that the future holds for them. The question is: do you know what your future holds for you? Take a deep breath, let your mind be settled and look into the future and see what you can become without considering your ugly past. The consciousness of what your future holds instill in you the drive to fervently work towards it. Whether you not it or not, the future awaits you with a package but, you can change the content from your present into something that will make you joyous. Have a good foresight and don't fall for anyone or anything that want to negate your foresight.
So i'm kinda sorta considering returning from my semi-retirement. It feels
so strange to be here. I wasn't even sure i remembered my password but...
6 years ago