Hear the still small voice saying:
“Come unto me and let us reason together. You can believe, see, or work towards your future but, you cannot live in it by yourself. The opposition will be too much for you to bear. All the questions wondering in your mind are enough to kill you but, I am your answer because, I have answers to all your questions.
Do you want to live by the answers to the questions of life? Come unto me!
Do you want your burden to be lifted? come unto me!
Do you want peace even when the adversary is surrounding you like a raging tempest? Come unto me!
Do you want to live up to your potentials? Come unto me!
Do you want to know the exact location you are to flourish in life? Come unto me!
Do you want to be free from stagnation? Come unto be!
I will bear you on my wings and I will fly you into your future. Your life will be filled with splendor. You just come unto me. The future you see in front of you can only be yours if you come to me because; I am the one that made you to see that glorious future. You cannot prevail by your own strength alone lest you become used out before you reach your destination.
I put the vision of your future in you. You will have to do your own part but, your partnership with me will give you an upper head and I will show you the right path to follow. Others may be getting things quick but, I will show you the right way to get there. Remember, the future doesn’t belong to the man doing it quick; it belongs to the man doing it right. There is the right way to live your life. There is the right way to get to your future.
Many have died on their life journey because they became used out and confused.
Many people are being stranded on their life journey because they think they can do it alone.
Many people have gone back because they prefer to die than to boldly take what belongs to them (their future).
Many have derailed because they accepted offers from people that don’t have their interest at heart.
Amidst all these things, I am still calling you to come.
Your future is bright but, I am the light that brightens your future.
You future is glorious but it is in my glory that I will make your future glorious.
Your future is splendid but, it is in my splendor that I will make your future splendid.
I see you as a visionaire on a life journey moving toward the future but you cannot get their alone. Let me be your guide.
Instead of swimming through the river of life, I will be the bridge on which you can cross to the other side.
Instead of climbing to the top, I will fly you over the mountains.
Instead of walking through problems, I will give you a ride through the way.
Come unto me and let us reason together. I will be your turning point and I will give you a starting point. My intentions for you are awesome. My name is JESUS I am calling on you all visionaires. Come unto me. Come, come, come, come………”